Daily gems is a free downloadable app with daily inspirational quotes sent directly to your phone with special features from musicians to influencers and culture movers (such as photographers, DJ's, artists, execs, brand owners and more).



We serve as a new platform to promote the positivity that is over looked within the artist music. Hip hop is a genre that is looked down upon but is the most monitized export from America and is led by those who aren't directly for the culture but more so for the money. We will be showcasing the positive message in all genres of music but the hip hop community will serve as our backbone. With this platform we will introduce and also refresh the consumers mind of old music. We will even give the consumer a behind the scenes look with the artist from showcasing their artistic process to performances and even their everyday life that other platforms doesn't get to capture. With this platform it will serve as a new way for the consumer to connect more with the artist than just the music.